Welcome  to Kenya  AIM  Portal

Kenya Civil Aviation Authority is committed to providing quality assured Aeronautical data and Aeronautical Information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of civil aviation in Kenya.

To achieve this, KCAA has investment in information management systems with increased focus on managing aeronautical data and aeronautical information in a digital production platform for:

  • Aeronautical information products i.e. Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), including Amendments and Supplements; Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC); aeronautical charts; NOTAM; and digital data sets
  • NOTAM and Pre-flight Information Bulletin (PIB)
  • Flight planning and
  • Management of terrain and obstacle data (TOD).

The shift to digital production database platform is geared towards enabling the publication of higher quality products and ensuring flexible product delivery.

The KCAA eAIP portal facilitates the purchase, subscription and online access to various products and services.